Autoimmune Diseases: Current Medical Understanding

Contemporary Medical Knowledge


  • Autoimmune Disease is a very common disease, afflicting between 8-12% and by some estimates up to almost 20% of the population of the US and Western Europe with diseases that include at least 80 different diagnosis.
  • At least 250,000 people per year die of an autoimmune related disease and the survivors require a significant level of medical care to diminish their suffering.
  • Autoimmune disease has been identified as one of the top 10 leading causes of death in all age groups up to age 64.
  • Autoimmune disease is reported in women significantly more than men (65-75% women).
  • The cause of all autoimmune diseases is currently unknown to the world of medicine, who accepted the theory that the immune system “goes wild” for unknown reasons, attacking the same body it is designed to protect.
  • This is similar to the theory of “spontaneous generation” which was accepted as the cause of most diseases until Pasteur, Lister and others proved that bacteria was the actual source. Antibiotics were eventually developed to suppress the bacteria and now these diseases are well controlled.
  • All current medical treatments for autoimmune disease attempt to suppress the immune system or provide palliative care. Such drugs as narcotic pain killers, immuno-suppressants, anti-depressants, anticonvulsants and the like are the only available medical treatments until PDG's discoveries are more universally recognized.

    N.I.H. Progress in Autoimmune Diseases Research