Autoimmune Diseases: About Petronius Development Group

       PDG is a pharmaceutical research and development company which is working to exploit its discovery of a specific causative agent for most if not all autoimmune diseases, including a method of effective suppression of this causative agent. This discovery and the related patented drug treatment regimen, represent a life-changing advance in therapy, especially for patients with the most debilitating and currently poorly treated autoimmune conditions.

Our Mission
       PDG discoveries are like a penicillin to autoimmune disease which control and suppress the actual cause of autoimmune disease, to work toward eliminating these debilitating afflictions.
       Our current drug therapy effectively suppresses the causes of Autoimmune Diseases. With our current drugs and future discoveries we are working to eradicate the suffering experience by the millions of those afflicted by the various autoimmune diseases.

What's Next?
       We are currently conducting Case Studies which are ongoing and we are accepting applicants for future trials using our newly discovered drug treatment regimen. Once these Case Studies are complete, the next stage of formal Clinical Trials will lead to full FDA/EMA approval.
       To best demonstrate the effectiveness of this treatment, we will are seeking the most severely afflicted patients in a variety of the autoimmune disease groups. If you believe you may qualify, please Contact Patient Info.

Investor Relations:
       We are currently seeking interested informed investors or groups in regard upcoming opportunities. This is not an offer or solicitation for investment. All opportunities are within applicable state and federal law. If you or a group you represent are interested, please Contact Investor Relations.